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Refund Policy

How will my return be refunded?

When returning an item, you can choose to receive your refund as store credit (never expires!) or to your original payment method.

When will I receive my refund?

The timing of your refund is dependent on your refund method.

  • Store Credit and Gift Card: We will credit your account within 1 business day once we receive notification that your item(s) have arrived at our Returns Center or have been returned in-store.
  • Credit Card: We will initiate your refund once we receive notification that your item(s) have arrived at our Returns Center or have been returned in-store. Typically, you should see your refund reflected in your account within 5-7 days from carrier drop off or pick up, but it may take up to 2 weeks
  • All other methods: Please allow up to 2 weeks for us to fully process your return and issue your refund. For cash purchases, you may be refunded as a corporate check.

If your returned item is not received at our Returns Center, we reserve the right to reverse the refund.

Will my delivery ship fees or services be refunded?

Any delivery ship fees or service charges collected on the order will not be refunded. This includes:

  • A flat shipping rate of $14.95 applies for return orders.

Can I change my refund method?

Yes, you can change your refund method before you have returned the item(s) by going to My Orders.

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